Saturday, January 19, 2008


CAN YO TRY NOT TO NAVIGATE THE TRAFFIC ROTARY WHILE THE FREAKIN' CELL PHONE IS PRESSED TO YOUR SKULL??!! Jesus, is that too much to ask? This is one of the things that goes on that you wish they'd let you mount gattling guns on you car. You know...if we all got just one day per year where you could temporarily mount guns on your car, don't you think you'd do it? Holy criminy, I'd be on that line faster than shit through a goose. And I'll tell ya, I'd try to be as lenient as possible. But if I see phone-in-skull while going through the circle, I'm shooting you. Terminate with extreme prejudice.

Hey, I only use my signal lights 95-99% of the time, so I'm not perfect. But, what the hell did you people do BEFORE cell phones? Jeez Dude. Hey Honey, it's not that much to get the hands-free setup for your car.

And don't even START with the excuses. LEN IS RIGHT.
I am,
Len Tollerton

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