Friday, November 24, 2006


Hello people:
This, the day after Thanksgiving, I just wanted to say one short thing. Oftentimes, as we sit around the table with friends or family, waiting to eat, we say Grace, or prayers, or whatever. Sometimes we go around the table and everyone says what they're thankful for this year.

Well, we're all thankful for something. Many of us have alot more to be thankful for than others. However, in my opinion, even if you're somewhat destitute, on drugs, in prison, a New Orleans resident, or depressed, I think as long as you live in America, you have something to be thankful for.

For as screwed up and possibly corrupt as the American government can be, I don't think I'd want to live anywhere else. We can go where we want, say what we want, be what we want and with whom we want (for the most part), and explore whatever noble pursuit or depravity that we'd like.

For overall beauty, of the land and its women, for overall fun activities and opportunities, for serious art and Jerry Springer on TV, there is nowhere like the good old US of A. We are all lucky to be here, and as long as we're alive we should all appreciate what and whom we've got in our lives. And if you don't like it, you're always free to try and change your situation. Just like you have the ability to change the channel if you don't like people exhibiting free speech.

On Thanksgiving Day, we should take the time to think for a minute or two, about what we have and what we have for opportunities. We should be appreciative about what Veterans have done for our nation in the past and today. They're doing their thing so you don't have to.

So, I guess we should be thankful for what we have, and the opportunities we are given. Life is to be tasted. Sometimes we get food poisoning, and sometimes it tastes great. And sometimes it's Less Filling.

Bow down, minions, for once again, Len Is Right.

Be safe, healthy, and happy. And DO NOT forget the words of the Master.

I am,
Len Tollerton

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

An Explanation for Laxity

Hi folks:
This post is just to apologize for not posting in the last 3 weeks. I am on a bit of a hiatus because of the NFL season and keeping tabs on the Fantasy football league that I run (or am Commissioner of). I write a weekly newsletter for that league, and haven't been inspired with a subject when I've had time, and haven't had time when I've had a subject. Lame, but true.

But true to form, I will send an email when I have sporadically posted.

Rest assured, after the holidays and the Fantasy football season (ends around Christmas), I will be back in full-force, with a vengeance, spewing the truth, which is what you want to hear.

Until then, Happy Thanksgiving to all and your families.

Len Tollerton

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Greetings, Minions of Len:
My last post was a tribute to a friend who had passed. This post will be of a happier note. I hope everyone is having a fun week and everyone's feeling good. Here goes.

Good friends Little Ed and Amanda got married over the weekend. They've been going out for around 3 years. College needed to be finished and a house purchased (aka their Honeymoon). But now they've taken that all-important step and become man and wife. Hopefully, they'll become one of the couples that stays together for many happy years.

The ceremony and reception were held at the Polish American yada-yada Club in Albany. As far as we could tell, everything went off without a hitch. After a very nice ceremony, the reception kicked in to full-swing. Appetizers were brought out and served buffet-style, and all of the food was very good. We all like it when they have scallops wrapped in bacon, don't we? Good mini-quiches, too. Having a reception or party at a club like this is nice because if you order a mixed drink that's not on the open bar, the drink is usually pretty inexpensive. A guy at our table was drinking Gimlets, which were only $2 or $3 a pop. Needless to say, he was in a fairly pickled state.

Dinner was Prime Rib or Chicken, which instead of being standard dry chicken, was moist and flavorful. The club did a great job. The potatoes were excellent. Then after dinner, friend MaryEllen started handing out 3 flavors of JELLO shots to anyone who wanted them. I think she had, like, 100 with her. She kept going to her car trunk, like a drug dealer, and coming back with her contraband.

By the way, friends Mary and Ed Sr. looked wonderful in their finery. Ed Sr., who 10 months ago, looked very ill while battling cancer, now looks like a million bucks, expecially in a tux. I wondered if he was going to break into a Fred Astaire routine. That's how dapper he looked. I, of course, like weddings because the ladies wear the heels, which makes Daddy very happy.

Surprisingly, and disappointingly, a poker game DID NOT break out. We talked about it, but nothing ever came of it, unless they started after I left. It's possible. I left early (10:00).

All in all, a great time. I think they were all a very tired bunch when the weekend ended.

Connor dressed as a Werewolf, and Jackson, a Wizard for Halloween, and we made our way over to Jack's friend CJ's house (a few streets over) for Trick-or-Treating. We stayed out for 1 1/2 hours as we tromped around the neighborhood that I grew up in. Many of the same people who were there 30 years ago are still there. The guys got tired after a while from carrying so much candy. I remember when I was 11-14. Me and my friends would stay out for 3 hours accumulating a pillow case full of treats. For the past few years, as people have become obsessed with their children's safety, you stopped seeing shaving cream and eggs as part of der riguer for Halloween. I'm happy to say that shaving cream, at least, has started to make a comeback. Our experience with shaving cream this year was pretty tame. Sprayed on the road in front of the house I grew up in on Pinewood Place, in 3 foot letters, was the word BOOBS. The kids got a laugh and I chuckled.

The moral of this story can be summed up in 3 words. BOOBS ARE GOOD.
And of course you know, that LEN IS RIGHT!!

Peace to my people on Earth!!
I am,
Len Tollerton