Friday, November 24, 2006


Hello people:
This, the day after Thanksgiving, I just wanted to say one short thing. Oftentimes, as we sit around the table with friends or family, waiting to eat, we say Grace, or prayers, or whatever. Sometimes we go around the table and everyone says what they're thankful for this year.

Well, we're all thankful for something. Many of us have alot more to be thankful for than others. However, in my opinion, even if you're somewhat destitute, on drugs, in prison, a New Orleans resident, or depressed, I think as long as you live in America, you have something to be thankful for.

For as screwed up and possibly corrupt as the American government can be, I don't think I'd want to live anywhere else. We can go where we want, say what we want, be what we want and with whom we want (for the most part), and explore whatever noble pursuit or depravity that we'd like.

For overall beauty, of the land and its women, for overall fun activities and opportunities, for serious art and Jerry Springer on TV, there is nowhere like the good old US of A. We are all lucky to be here, and as long as we're alive we should all appreciate what and whom we've got in our lives. And if you don't like it, you're always free to try and change your situation. Just like you have the ability to change the channel if you don't like people exhibiting free speech.

On Thanksgiving Day, we should take the time to think for a minute or two, about what we have and what we have for opportunities. We should be appreciative about what Veterans have done for our nation in the past and today. They're doing their thing so you don't have to.

So, I guess we should be thankful for what we have, and the opportunities we are given. Life is to be tasted. Sometimes we get food poisoning, and sometimes it tastes great. And sometimes it's Less Filling.

Bow down, minions, for once again, Len Is Right.

Be safe, healthy, and happy. And DO NOT forget the words of the Master.

I am,
Len Tollerton

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