Sunday, December 03, 2006


Hello there my friends:
It has been over a week since my last post. December has hit us this weekend, and the great Weather Gods have sent us a reminder in the Northeast that winter is finally here. Late last week we were treated to a couple of 60-plus degree days to end November. This morning, it's freezing outside. I guess I'm done playing golf for the year.

Hey, we attended the wedding of good friends, Rob and Melissa, on Friday evening. The reception took place at the Mohawk River Country Club in Rexford, NY. What a great time. If you live in the Capital District of NY, and you're planning a wedding, you should definitely consider this place. The cocktail hour before dinner was fantastic, with more food than you could shake a stick at. I'm surprised some people had room left for dinner, after the appetizer spread that was put on. You don't normally see a pasta station and a steak sandwich station, along with a chilled vodka area with caviar for just appetizers. At least not around here.

Dinner was Chateaubriand AND A French-style chicken, which everyone didn't need to choose. Music was provided by DJ Mr. C (our former Amtrak friend, Isaac Cancer). The bride looked great and the groom looked happy and couldn't wait to fly to Florida to board a cruise ship for the Caribbean the next day.

I'd like to thank the Bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keevern and Mr. and Mrs. Sicko for throwing such a great party and feeding us like kings.

I'd also like to wish Rob and Melissa Lindley the best of luck and many, happy years as a couple. You two are both great people and I'm honored to be able to call you my friends. I wish you the best for a very long time.

I'd also like to wish my brother-in-law, Dave Oppe a very happy 39th Birthday (Dec. 2), as well as a happy 41st to our friend Sally Theadore. I know Dave is not happy about getting so close to 40.....his sister, my wife, was the same way. But it's unavoidable and you're only as old as you allow yourself to feel. Stay positive and you'll always feel young. Go the negative route and you'll always be old and bitter and crabby. Real fun for the rest of us who live around you.

And remember, things could always be worse. You know that Len Is Right.

I am,
Len Tollerton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weddings can be very nice or they can be a nightmare....what do you think about Hilliray Clinton running for Prez?