Sunday, September 13, 2009


Hello Minions:
I trust you all are well. Today is the Opening Sunday of the 2009 NFL season. It's going to be another losing season for my Chiefs, but I remain optimistic. Anyhoooo...............

Today, I went into this new Asian Supermarket (strangely enough, it's called Asian Supermarket). If you ever lived in Albany/Colonie, NY, then You'll know where it's located if i say it's where Rosano's Hardware used to be on Central Ave. I went in to buy some noodle soups. It's the second time I've been in the store, and the 10th or 20th time that I've been in an Asian market. I gotta tell ya, I don't think they want my money, and I don't think they want me in their store. I always try to smile and say hello, but it's like I'm unclean and that it's beneath them to deal with me. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a reason for this? I'm always polite and friendly. Is it prejudice? Is it because I'm tall, dark, and hairy? Is it mistrust? (Do I look like a thug?) I'd appreciate some feedback. Why spend my hard-earned money in a place where I'm not wanted? Asians are nice to me when I go to their restaurants. WTF happens at the market?

Now, another "WHY?" I'm struggling with is this...Why is it when you take a shower at home, or go to someone's house to swim, and you come home and hang your towels and bathing suits up to dry, and they're dry in the morning. But you go away to the ocean, and come back to the motel room and hang up your towels and suits, and they're still extremely wet in the morning? Why the hell is that? Is the air different by the sea, like Barometric pressure or something? Then you gotta hope the place has a dryer. What gives?

What does it say about us as a nation, when we're going to give The "OctoMom" a reality TV show? Do we actually need to watch train-wrecks to affirm our lives aren't so bad? I mean, I am repulsed by the very idea that this baby-machine cow is given anything more than her public assistance. I hope it's going to be fast and not very painful, but I'm not in fear of December 2012. You know, when the Mayan calendar ends and the world is supposed to come to an end, blah, blah, blah....I almost hope it happens, so as to make the other intelligent life in the universe stop laughing at us. I really believe we're the laughing-stock of the Universe. "Look at those stupid humans on Earth! They just don't know when to stop being dolts." "I agree Grubnak, they're a bunch of dipshit dildoes. They just gave credence to the manatee with 14 offspring. Here, we'd send her to the planet Fleep-Fleep for sterilization and mind erasure." C'mon, folks. Is this where we've come in our evolution? Is this all we can put forth? Greed and hype exploiting the stupid for their money and attention. SHAME HUMANS.

I am REALLY right with that.
See ya.
I am,
Len Tollerton

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