Friday, January 09, 2009


Just another short post to tell you about a groundshaking thing I saw today.

While at Planet Fitness today, I ran into Jess Koehler, daughter of longtime friend Kevin the Roller. Nothing strange about that. But lo, what did my eyes see Ms. Koehler wearing???

None other than a NY METS T-SHIRT!!!! With a number 5 on the back, for David Wright.

Let me explain. Jess and her mom Barb have been my arch-nemeses these past 10 years as baseball fans. As you know, I bleed the Blue and Orange of the Mets. These two ladies were hard-core Chipper "Make me puuuuuuuuke" Jones/Marcus Giles and their team the retched, hated, wish they all got ahtlete's foot Atlanta Braves. I mean, I HATE the Braves. And the Koehler women always hammered me with the successive Division Championships, while the Mets were awful. It was even better for them when the Braves beat the Mets in the playoffs.

Then, Marcus Giles left the Braves to start playing on the Padres. Jess started rooting for the Padres because of Giles. Jones, the piece of garbage, stayed with the Braves. Now Giles has signed with the HATED Phillies. Of course you know this means war.

But I get away from my point. The fact that anyone from the Koehler household is wearing a NY METS shirt is like fans of Derek Jeter walking around with Red Sox caps on. Can you dig that? Gotta give this an honest 6.2 on the Richter Scale.

I win.
I am,
Len Tollerton


Hey all:
Here are my scores from last night's bowling. Please remember that this is a 9-pin No-Tap format. This means if you get 9 pins on your first ball, it counts as a strike.

239, 250, 249. That equals 738 for my triple. In truth I probably would have averaged around 180, cause I'm good at converting my spares, especially 1-pin spares.

It turns out that there are only a few "serious" bowlers in the league. I would ut most of the people around a 140 average, if that. It was fun. First pitcher was on the house, there were 50/50 drawings throught the house, and our league gets 5 prize giveaways each week (pint glasses, free food at the snack bar, free games of open bowling and free Quick Draw plays. Very casual and just fun. A great format for couples who just want to have a good time and not worry about their scores, cause nothing's sanctioned.

All of the team names are beer names. My team is Heineken.

We still have spots open for 5 bowlers. So, if you're in the area and looking for something fun to do on Thursday nights, come and join the league.

Okay, it's 8:00 a.m. on Friday. Gotta get to the gym by 9:00. Talk with you soon, my minions. LEN IS RIGHT, let's not forget.

I am,
Len Tollerton

Thursday, January 08, 2009


Hello my friends:

Happy New Year and all that. I hope everyone is well and over the holidays. Wow, it can be stressfull, if for no other reason than the traffic. But I digress.

Hey, tonight I start in a bowling league at 9:00, at Sunset Lanes, where my kids bowl. I haven't been in a bowling league for, well, since high school. The normal bowling season is 33 weeks, from September to , like, April or May. For me, that's too damn long. So, I'm joining this 14-week league which starts tonight. It is a 9-pin No-Tap format, which means if you get 9 pins on the first ball, they count it as a strike. I know, sounds kind of queer. But it's just for fun and gets my feet wet for bowling more next year.

There are still spots left in this mixed league if anyone around here wants to join. The lanes buy the first pitcher of beer for each team. It's ony $11/week. From what I'm told there is quite an interesting crowd that bowls in this league. That info comes from the Lovely Wiccan, who bowls with or knows some of these people. I don't know if they're criminals, drunks, or just crazy people. I'm looking forward to observing this group of humanity. Hopefully there are not many of them who'd start a charcoal grill inside their houses. Stupid people are tough to deal with because they don't KNOW they're stupid, but feel a need to flaunt said trait at every opportunity.

No, really, I'm psyched to be bowling. Something to do since I can't play golf right now.


It's true, or sure seems to be. In the last year, I've started watching Journeyman, New Amsterdam, My Own Worst Enemy, Dirty Sexy Money, Pushing Daisies, Eli Stone, Chuck, and Life On Mars. Only Chuck , Eli Stone and Life On Mars are still on any schedule. I think I may be the Kiss Of Death. Hey, is there a TV show out there that you really hate? Send me $10 and I'll be happy to start DVR-ing it and surer-than-shit it'll be cancelled. They talk about Focus Groups when deciding on new shows and audience reaction. They could use me as THE MUSH. The Mush is a guy who a bookie friend of mine used to know that would bring bad luck to anyone he was around. He's like a Cooler in Las Vegas. The casinos have people who they know are bad luck and they bring them to the tables to "Cool Off" a player who is on a roll and winning lots of money. I'm totally serious. I am THE MUSH for the TV industry. I think I could get the networks to pay me big dollarinis to predict what shows will be hits. Just let me watch a few and the ones I really like....shit-can them off of the schedule. Then, just keep on the putrid crap that I don't watch. Making MILLIONS, my friends.

R.I.P. Lydia King, the mother of good friend and card shark Kenny King. Also, R.I.P. to Rita Sansone, mother of close friend Tony Sansone, Jackson's godfather. Both ladies had to deal with throat cancer and Alzheimer's, respectively. My condolences to both families.

My friends, we have made it to the year 2009. I have not had a cigarette for 7 days. Onward.

Stay positive and optimistic and make 2009 a good one for you. I will keep you updated on my bowling scores. I figure I'll probably average around 180.

Let's see if LEN IS RIGHT.

Peace to you all.

I am,

Len Tollerton