Wednesday, July 23, 2008


A few weeks ago, I reported that I had nearly been fired for writing a couple of letters to management and 5 other employees, requesting that the other Crafts where I work stop doing my Craft's work. As I stated, the letters were as non-threatening as could be, just simple requests. Of course, as I expected, my requests were turned down.

Yesterday, the expected reaction to all this started, but in a different way than expected. I give you the following statements for your consideration:
  • "We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough religion to make us love."
  • "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike yor Christ."--Gandhi
  • "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."
  • "I'm for the separation of Church and Hate."
  • "Religions are just cults with more members."
  • "Last time we mixed politics with religion, people got burned at the stake."
  • "It's a scientific fact: Scum Always Rises To The Top."
  • "Militant Agnostic. I don't know and you don't either."

The previous statements are from bumper stickers that I have all over my tool box at work. I've had these stickers on my box for almost 2 years and no one has said anything, other than to express that they liked my stickers.

So, yesterday, a Management employee , who is my main nemesis in my role as a Shop Steward, and who was one of 2 management people (along with our Facility Superintendant) who called me upstairs into the Manager's Office to chide me for writing the previously mentioned letters (that almost got me fired), called me into the backshop where I keep my toolbox, and told me that he had a complaint that someone was offended by the bumper stickers on my box.

In truth, there were 2 stickers on my box, not previously mentioned, that could have been deemed offensive. One was a decal with a picture of a hand giving "the finger." The other one was a small sticker that said, "Wake The Fuck Up." He told me I had to remove these stickers because they were offensive. Knowing that it was unlikely that someone really complained, but not wanting to argue and get myself in trouble, I agreed to remove both of those stickers. He then pointed to the stickers that had the religious statements above, and said that those had to be removed also because they were offensive religiously. He then stated that he, personally, was offended by the one that said, "It's a scientific fact: Scum always rises to the top."

I asked him to explain to me why they are offensive, and he just said they were, and that someone didn't like them, and they needed to be removed. I told him that I felt my Right to Free Speech was being violated and he said, "Not when it's offensive to others. Somebody complained and now I need you to remove these stickers." I said to him, "Why do I have to remove the one that says, "Militant Agnostic. I don't know and you don't either." That's a statement about myself. Isn't that my right to Religious Freedom as guaranteed by the Constitution?" He got mad at this point and told me to remove the stickers. He said I could keep the ones that said the following:

  • "Freedom of Speech Means the Freedom to Disagree."
  • "Evolution is just a Theory--Kind of like Gravity."
  • The Price of Apathy is to be Ruled by Evil Men."--Plato
  • "I Pledge Allegiance, not Thoughtless Obedience."
  • "Your Silence Will Not Protect You."--Audre Lord
  • There were also assorted sports teams stickers and band name stickers that I could keep, along with Union stickers.

What I ended up doing was removing, not only the "offending" stickers (because I didn't want to be charged with insubordination for refusing a directive), but I also removed ALL of the stickers, so as not to have any questions as to if I removed the correct ones. I then touched up the paint on the toolbox, so as to remove anything that could give them fodder to hassle me, or a reason to say I refused a directive.

When I asked the Management employee to give me the name of the person who was "religiously offended," so I could go up to the person and apologize for said offense, he wouldn't give me their name, saying that it would only lead to trouble. I asked him if that meant he didn't trust me and thought that I would do something to threaten the person. He said that he didn't want any 3rd-party conversations taken too far and problems to ensue. I then asked if I would be afforded the same courtesy if I was ofended by the myriad of stickers and pictures that are all over the shop on tool boxes and lockers? He said that if he thought they were offensive, then yes. I asked what determines something to be offensive. He just said, "We'll look at it and see."

So I ask ya, am I wrong to contact the ACLU? Has my right to Free Speech been violated? Do the Rules of Conduct and Diversity Training supercede the U.S. Constitution? It's possible that someone complained. Though after having no one complain after almost 2 years, I wonder if someone really DID, or is the company starting to wage a war of harassment on me for complaining that they were giving too much of my Craft's work away?

I'm asking any of my friends in the Legal field to contact me with their opinion. I do have a call into the ACLU now (waiting to be called back), to see if I have a leg to stand on, or if I should just go and be a "good little soldier" and let it go. This call for a response goes out to my friends Judge Toomey, Clem Parente, Packy McGraw, Gerry Leary, Will Anthony and Nick Mesiti. I realize that this is not all of your fields of expertise, but would like to get your opinion. My email address is

Jeeez. Can you believe this shit? I don't know...maybe I'm wrong. can that be?


I received a complaint from one of my faithful readers (Uncle Bob the Mixologist), saying that I didn't give a fair shake to Heath Ledger's performance in The Dark Knight. He said that before I make that statement, that I should see the movie. He believes that Ledger's performance IS Oscar-worthy. Well, this time Bob is Right and Len is Wrong. Well, I'm wrong for making the statement without seeing the movie. He very well may have given the performance of a lifetime. I stand corrected for talking before I knew the facts. I will see the movie and give my opinion afterward. My complaint was more toward the hype by critics, and that Oscar sometimes gives an award based on sentimentality rather than who gave the best performance.

Alright. Have a great day, and I'll talk with you soon.

I am,

Len Tollerton

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