Thursday, August 31, 2006


Hello there:
I just seem to be in the midst of writer's block, or have nothing interesting to say this week. Nothing with teeth, anyway. I need something controversial to come along that I can expound on and pique your interest to the point of response. Yeah, like that'll happen...only the Edge of Darkness and She Is From Hell ever respond. What? Is everyone on Permanent Vacation? Ya bunch of lazy Bastages!!

The shingles went on the roof today, the sink was purchased, some of the drain holes are cut and the wiring for the lights and outlets was run. On the subject of the sink, we decided to go with a large pedestal sink, rather than a vanity and sink-top combo. The pedestal sink is pretty wide and gives alot of room on both sides. It will end up giving us more room for a nice closet in the one corner of the room. It's going to turn out nice, but we wish it was over. We have blankets strung up across the bathroom doorways, because the doors aren't in yet, thus, we have lots of light coming into the bedroom, very early in the morning. It'll be done in about 2 weeks.

I played golf today with friends Roy (G.B.K.), Chuck (Edge O.D.), and Chris (Dot-Com Destroyer). The day went pretty much as expected as Dot-Com shot his standard 77 (after a month off), I shot in the mid-80's, and the brothers stayed w/in a couple shots of each other. We played a point game where you get 3 points for a Birdie, 2 points for a Par, and 1 for a Bogey. Edge and Dot-Com defeated Roy and me front-back-and-total and Dot-Com won all 4 Greenies (closest to the pin on the Par 3's and you must make the par). Roy and I paid out $8 each. What a gorgeous day, though. Mid-70's, sunny and was great. As usual, the four of us had fun.

I must return to work on Sunday Sept. 3 at 8 a.m. My vacation time for the year has drawn to a close. I was able to make it to sunny Florida in April, but no New England Beaches this summer. A bit of a bummer, because I usually need to get at least 3 days of beach time per year to decompress fully for the next year. Unfortunately, after paying for the Project, we won't be able to go to Florida in the Spring, so we'll have to look forward to going back to the Cape next summer. Or maybe we'll try the Jersey shore or Maryland. By next summer, I should be just bitter, burned-out and hateful at Amtrak. What a freakin' pit. If I had any other skills besides being easy to talk to and being a pertinent and insightful writer (albeit with no diploma), I'd quit the railroad. If I didn't have a family relying on me, I'd chuck it all and spend some time finding someone to take a chance on me and get out from under the Thumb, so unhappy with my career choice am I. I've always wanted to own my own business or have a few successful websites that I could run from home. Something that would allow me to enjoy more free time to do the things that make me happiest. But there's never been enough money to sustain a business or keep websites up and running. WHINE-WHINE-WHINE!! What-the Freak-Ever, dude. Welcome to the world of misery. Shut Up and get off your ass and just Do-It if you're so miserable. Just stop the goddamn whining.

Five minute wallow now over, I move on. I just hope I can complete another year at the pit that is Amtrak without committing a violent act or saying something that gets me taken out of service. I don't think the violence thing will happen. I'll go home before I go that far. But I believe it sure would feel good to attack a member of management with a 4-iron.......just once. I can honestly say that I'm sure I'll never know. was your week? I'm not going to ask for a response cause none of you ever reply. I'm just glad you all read this. But then, why wouldn you? You Are Right because you read Len Is Right. This may be one of my main purposes in life. Inspiring my minions to be Right.

I feel much better. Thank you, and I'll see you next time on LEN IS RIGHT.
I am,
Len Tollerton

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