Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Hey there:
Last post was May 14th. Sorry for the gap. Got a couple of updates and stuff I just wanted to mention real quick.

First, I'd like to wish our very good friend, Fred "The Stat Man" Theadore, a happy birthday today. Fred's home this week taking care of things around the house while his lovely bride recovers from some surgery. So, Fred, make sure you keep busy and walk the damn dog, will ya? Happy Birthday, my friend.

My close friend Roy "G.B. King" Luce is having a very bad day today. First, he calls me this morning to tell me that his brother, Chuck (the previously oft-mentioned Edge of Darkness), won't be able to play in the big scramble golf outing this Friday because he had t go in for EMERGENCY TRIPLE-BYPASS SURGERY this afternoon (he's actually on the table as I type this). I guess he started feeling really crappy over the weekend at the Tulip Festival in Albany, and his wife tricked him into a doctor's appointment. Good thing she did. they started the angioplasty and stopped part-way up his leg and already knew he was in trouble. So, he's on the table today. Chuck doesn't smoke cigs, and doesn't inhale cigars he smokes, so I gotta believe it's mostly dietary. Whatever. Dude, we're pulling for you and sending positive energy your way. If you're home by Thursday night, maybe you can come out to the course and cheer us on. Jeff The Palooka will take Chuck's place on the team. With Jeff and Chris the DotCom Destroyer on our team, Roy and I will only have to drink and enjoy the outdoors on Friday. Get well soon, Chuck my brother.

But that wasn't all that made Roy's day shitty. Roy's 8-year-old dog hasn't been eating over the last week or so. So they took it to the vets and today go the Worst Possible News. Stomach and Liver cancer. The best and least cruel decision was made, and Casey, a beautiful black Lab with 2 surgically repaired knees had to be put down this a.m. What a shame. It came on so fast there was nothing they could do.

So, the Luce family of Scotia, Ballston Spa, and Wilton have had better days. I apologize to the Luce's for posting this info on the WEB. It's the only way some of our friends would find out and they'd want to know. If you have a wy to contact Roy, send him and Chuck some positive thoughts. SEND THE LOVE, MAN!!!

I don't know where to go with this post from here. Everything else is going well. No complaints. I'm having fun with my new Takamine Acoustic Guitar (GS440), which I picked up lightly used, on eBay for 1/2 the price of a new one. Beautiful sound and low action on the strings makes it play a little easier than my Esteban dreadnought acoustic.

Alright, hopefully back soon, when I can think of something to write. Later. This is LEN IS RIGHT.

I am,
Len Tollerton

1 comment:

LRExpress said...

Thanks for the shout out, Len! Our thoughts and prayers are with Chuck as he recovers and gets ready for the upcoming training camp. And our condolences go out to Roy - our dog is part of the family, so we understand what he's going through.

Fred & Sally